Wednesday, 8 January 2014

New Year's Inspiration #2014BloggerChallenge

*Oh the irony that I'm posting this late when it was meant to be about me becoming on top of things and kicking myself into gear this year... Not a good start to the 2014 Blogging Challenge and the year in general!*
One of the joys of travelling is the gorgeous feeling of teetering into the unknown. I'd describe myself as someone with the travelling bug, an inane desire to explore new places and experience new things. Yet why then, am I so scared of the unknown? Since graduating from university I thought I'd be presented with an exciting new world of opportunities. What I got was an initial struggle to get even a part time job and a procrastination black hole which zapped all my motivation and somehow, here we are months later in much the same position. Moving back in with the parents (which has its initial perks of free food and heating!) instead led me to become too comfortable and frankly less of an independent adult than I was at uni. A vicious circle is in play surrounding my want and need to become proactive. Without a full-time job or purpose to my day, I have found it increasingly hard to motivate myself to do much, which ironically includes the arduous task of job-hunting.

I have always loved this quote from Alice in Wonderland, one of my favourite books when I was younger, so I thought I would include it as my inspiration for the new year, the theme of the first post of the 2014 Blogger Challenge I'm taking part in. Perhaps another whimsical attempt by my subconscious to avoid the reality of the 'adult world' just like Alice! This is my resolution to embrace anything scary and basically just get off my behind and do something, anything! At this new stage in my life, it doesn't matter which road I take, as long as I take one.

What are you all looking to accomplish this year? Something you've been putting off!?
Speaking of which, I had better stop fiddling with this post and get back to some job applications...
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